Sunday 17 April 2011


Oysmoish enterprise is brand new company that has been developing since 30th November 2010. Our main reason for this company is to encourage agriculture sector in Segamat. The name of Oysmoish enterprise was chosen because the name ‘oysmoish’ is unique and it sounds mouth watering. On top of that, the name is easy to remember and it can become one of our marketing strategies.
There was a story on how we suddenly decided to involve in this business. The four of us love to eat homemade mushroom soups that are using fresh mushroom. One day, while enjoying our mushroom soup one of us ask how to plant mushrooms? She said that if she can plant them, she can eat fresh mushroom every day and we agreed with her idea. Suddenly, we think that why not we turn our interest into a business. That was how the idea to involve in mushroom business happened.
On top of that, after conducting several surveys; they are only small amount of producers that are interested to involve in planting and producing mushroom. This situation happen as most of the people think that to start a mushroom business you will need a huge amount of capital. They also think that there are complicated process involve in producing and maintaining the mushroom. Well, actually if you have the right knowledge, producing mushroom is quite easy and does not costly at all. It is because we can make our own mushrooms even in a small place and mushroom is funguses that can be grow many easily in just a short time.
Other than that, most of the people do not know that even mushroom is originated from a fungus it actually belongs to the vegetables family. Hence, as one of the vegetables of courses it has its own nutrient. For people that are health conscious, mushroom is a nutritious vegetable. It is a low calorie food that can be eaten raw or cooked. Raw dietary mushroom is a good source of B vitamins, such as riboflavin, niacin and pantothenic acid and the essential minerals, selenium, copper and potassium. Fat, carbohydrate and calorie content are also low.
As for a conclusion, mushrooms are nutritious vegetable that can be produced bulkily in one time. So, we see that why not we try to involve in the business of producing this easy-nutritious vegetable. Maybe in the future we the help of R&D we can produce more nutritious mushroom for our people healthiness.

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